Les Misérables, Victor Hugo (not quite done)

The agony of updating Goodreads progress from page 700 something to 832 alas still the progress remains at 62 % slightly disturbing. It was supposed to be my March of the mammoths and this indeed at 1200 pages is a mammoth. 

"How grievous not to know the address of one's soul" Les Mis is about the wretchedness of man, about poverty, captivity, freedom, morality, and social evil - human evil, say "sin" of mankind regardless of social status. Les Mis is a big novel about life it emanates from within the French revolution. I believed that I was capable of reading many books simultaneously but I long for February when I read many shorter ones. The great novel requires some time of reading into at each read, and once landing into the setting one finds it's time for bed or time for work and seldom does one find the dynamics required to juggle any other novel as a simultaneous read. Hugo often deviates from the path of the story into describing other things and personally I don't mind that, the digressions make Hugo, Hugo and so I'll defend him in that I had a huge personal take-away from the early digression where he described Napoleons defeat at Waterloo. The episode inspired me to realize in some aspects maturity in difficult relationships, sometimes, it's just time to walk away and carry on one's own personal Corsica. 

I can't wait to finish this one and tell you ultimately what I thought. For now I'll let you in on another secret, consistency is key, had i truly read my 42 pages daily I would already be there, the point of a schedule or a system or a habit is to follow it that's when a good habit or a goal set really gives. 

I'm so "behind" now on my TBR (To be read list) here it is, the list of books I want to read in the near future: 

Pride and Prejudice

Bär den som en krona (Tahvainen)


Our man in Havana

Gulliver's travels

Herland and Yellow Wallpaper

just to name a few....


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