Kerstin Thorvall - Det mest förbjudna

A book about The Mother Wound and how it takes shape in the author who calls herself Anna throughout this semi autobiography, it's about her life, her failed marriages and her insatiable lust for sex. Ultimately it's about a neurotic and loveless mom and how it inflicts a seemingly incurable wound in the daughters self. The book is insightful and well paced, Thorvall was a good writer. The book is a Swedish classic and it caused it's uproar in late 60's because it broke taboos by allowing a well known female author to show the brutal, truer side of herself. She was known for writing children's books and shorter stories for youth and she worked predominantly as a  journalist alongside being an author. 
Personally I had many take-aways from the story, many helpful insights and I'm grateful that she shared her story in the format that she did. In the 80's she'd already written the words that she wanted on her tomb stone, but I googled and I saw that her sons hadn't respected her wishes Kerstin died in 2010. She'd wanted to have inscribed on the tomb: Here lies a woman who told things as they where and she never learned that not all people want to hear it.

Very snappy. I don't see a reason why not to give the book a five out of five, but I've not rated it. It was worth while read. 


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