Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

What is Wide Sargasso Sea about? - It's about many things but the one topic that arises is this: A traumatized woman (Antoinette) is brought together with a vain hard hearted man (Mr. Rochester) and the woman will be brought low and the man will triumph through it, by force and power, breaking her down. In M. Atwood's novel Bodily Harm, Atwood begins with this quote: "A man's presence suggests what he is capable of doing to you or for you. By contrast a woman's presence...defines what can and cannot be done to her." - John Berger, Ways of seeing. In this sense the anti-hero of this book, Antoinette is a woman who has her guards down. I'm reminded of Chimanda Ngozi Adichie's little speech Why we should all be feminists and she brilliantly points out that women are always in all places (since the Empire at least) been ushered to be pleasing onto men, flexible and quiet. A quiet woman is considered acceptable and ladylike. Her voice is expected to be ...