F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (audiobook read by Leslie Odom Jr.)

Mr. Gatsby is greater than the author of his story and greater than the book itself. Gatsby is a very real character. I much enjoyed listening to the free audiobook provided by the app Books on my iPhone. Leslie Odom Jr. was just the perfect person to read this story, his voice, very enchanting. 

About the story I'd comment that the tragedy of two lovers torn apart is the same Rome & Juliet story that is here clothed as Daisy and Mr. Gatsby. If Heathcliff is an abominable character in literature then Tom Buchanan is much more so, the epitome of everything ugly concerning white masculinity. Besides I have sympathy for Heathcliff but non for Mr. Buchanan. 

I could write in great lengths about how Fizgerald describes Daisy and I don't really appreciate how mindless he made her on the "pages" of the story. But I could appreciate the saga of Mr. Gatsby who had a million friends when things went well and none at his burial site. 



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