The Saga continues...

Currently I am reading about the Winter War in Finland anno 1939, the year my grandmother was born, it's a first hand account of events that happened and the book is written by Gunnar Johansson, title Vi ville inte dö (Swedish trans. We did not want to die) it's a beautiful blue hardcover book, a pearl I found at the give and take shelf of my local library, I'm almost finished with it and I'll give a few comments on it now: unfathomably hard fighting between a nation of 180 million against 4 million people, who survived and overcame. The scene is set in dark wintery forests of -35 c. winter blizzards and shooting from behind rocks and in between trees, some of the men as young as sixteen years of age, trying to defend their country. The main hero of the story was himself 15 years of age in the prior war and now, a grown man, gone to war as a commander, when he parted from his wife the couple said only one thing to each other "forgive me" for marriage and life is hard but war is insane. The paradox of war, no one wants to die everyone wants to live. There's some things more to say about this book but I'll save it for another space and time. 

Themes that interests me in reading: The Sea for example Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne and Moby Dick or The White Whale. 

Kaari Utrio's works, Margaret Atwood (again)

Les Miserables (already started reading it before) 

And new fiction about the Internet (example The Circle and No one is talking about this)

I'm hoping to having finished reading 17 books in total by the end of this year and my goal would be to read so much more in 2024 God willing. 

Here is a link if you want to follow or join me on Good Reads Join me in sharing and discovering books on Goodreads.


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