It's a wrap!

Goodreads says that I'm ten books behind the schedule. I was supposed to read 53 books and I read 43 this year, but I'm satisfied. Let's call it a wrap people! And what did I do with my time the past months. I wrote, and wrote, and edited (with the help of my best friend) and wrote again. Yes, I wrote a book. So, I think the past three months have been well spent. Since Hang Kang, I've managed just to read a collection of poems by Morgan Parker, titled There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyonce and I liked it a great deal. For example, from the poem Hottentot Venus and All they want is my money my pussy and my blood was brilliant. I like her style. I'm quite convinced that I won't be able to finish a novel before the year ends but who knows, in any case I want to nominate the book of the year for all my imaginary blog readers. The winner for 2024 will be: Karolina Ramqvist, with More Fire I re-listened to a clip where she talks about The White City ...