Varför har inte fler bibliotekarier läderbyxor? : texter om bibliotek och bibliotekarier (Paperback) by Christer Hermansson

I was supposed to read The Great Gatsby, inspired by this pod P3 Klassikern, The Great Gatsby but I just couldn't muster the strength for this weekend was hectic and I feel like I might be getting a sore throat. Anyway, I really wanted to gaze on the wonderful untouched land of the American Pilgrims just as the narrator envisions in Gatsby but that will have to be another time. Instead I read a book in swedish Varför har inte fler bibliotekarier läderbyxor? Yes, this book deserves a review. It is a collection of chronicles, small texts, written by Christer Hermansson, author and librarian. The book is entertaining, even phenomenal, it manages in its measly 150 pages to capture questions such as: What does it mean to be a man in the profession of librarian in Sweden today, a very female-dominated profession where you generally are not seen or heard. What is the role of men in the library and what is the role of the library today? He was referring to another book w...